Wednesday, April 30, 2014

The Importance of Keeping Records

Do you write in your journal? This totally reminded me of my dad. He has SO many journals! He have over 60 filled with his thoughts, dreams, inspiration, and life. I am so blessed to have these records! I'll treasure them forever!! On the flip side, my mom passed away when I was teenager, and she didn't keep a record. I have really nothing of her life through her eyes. I have always wanted that, so please take the time to write things down! You're children want it and they'll need it! They need to know our testimonies, experiences, joys, challenges, and who we truly are. Please keep a journal!

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Come Unto Christ

Come unto Christ --2014 theme song for youth

He's the One who healed the leper, and who brought he dead to life,
He's the One, who fed the hungry, and who gave the blind their sight. He's the One who walked on water, Then He brought them safe to shore and whenever you may need Him, He's the One you're looking for. So let Him in, and He will take away your pain. When you feel His love you'll never be the same. Come unto Christ. Come unto Him, and by His grace be made holy again. He's calling your name. He's waiting for you with arms open wide. Come unto Christ.
He's the One who taught forgiveness, and who showed a better way. He's the One who helped the hopeless and those who'd gone astray. He's the Savior and Redeemer, the Bread of Life, the Prince of Peace. If you're hungry, lost, or captive He's the One who'll set you free. So let Him in and you'll remember who you are. He will mold your life and change your willing heart.

Come unto Christ
Come unto Him, and by His grace be made holy again. He's calling your name. He's waiting for you with arms open wide. Come unto Christ. And you will find eternal life. Come unto Christ Come unto Him, and by His grace be made holy again. He's calling your name. He's waiting for you with arms open wide. Come unto Christ

Listen to this song here.

Tuesday, April 15, 2014


So I have been studying the word resilience or being resilient. I was recently invited to read a talk called, "Raising Resilient Children". Here is a link to read that talk, Resilience. I know, why would a sister missionary be reading a talk about raising children? That's the question I thought when I read the title. It didn't make sense. It didn't really add up. Well I read the talk, and it BLEW me away! Seriously. Powerful. Life changing. I know dramatic, but you don't know!  
I came to the conclusion that it was definitely inspired that I needed to read that talk. Brother Burrup defines, "The original definition of the word resilience had to do with a material’s ability to resume its shape or position after being bent, stretched, or compressed. Today we commonly use the word to describe our ability to bounce back from adversity." 

That is exactly what clicked in my mind. A lot of my life, I have had to bounce back. A trial hits and I must be able to keep moving towards God. I must turn to Him for help and strength to bare the burdens I am faced with. This picture of this tree real struck me. Even though it's bent a little, it's still RESILIENT to the wind. To the adversity, trials, and hard times. LIFE IS HARD. But there is a way. There is someone who can truly help us. Elder Neal A. Maxwell tells us,
"While so striving daily, we will fall short. Hence the avoidance of discouragement is so vital. So where is the oft and much needed resilience to be found? Once again, in the glorious Atonement! Thereby we can know the lifting tide flowing from forgiveness."(Apply the Atoning Blood of Christ.)
It's through the Atonement of Christ that we can be truly resilient. We can overcome the hard stuff. We can deal with it. Really deal with it. Not shove it away in some corner. I know this to be true. Every single one of us goes through different adversities. The one person who is the same is Christ. He is there. He's there to help us, so we don't get discouraged. He's there so that we can exercise faith in Him and face the hardships. Who said it would be easy? Why would it be? Eternal life is worth it. How can you be more resilient?